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Centre Mall

1227 Barton Street East Hamilton, On L8N 2V4, Hamilton, Ontario

A landmark in Hamilton for over 50 years, Centre Mall has over 90 stores and services for all your everyday needs. Located at Barton and Kenilworth.

  • Centre Mall
    guestBook Guestbook/ GeoGal1/ Nov 26, 2017

    This mall was our family's major shopping destination when I was growing up. It meant a trip over the Skyway Bridge which was always exciting....and it was where I bought my first Beatles record!

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Centre Mall

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Discovery Quest
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  • Centre Mall
    guestBook Guestbook/ GeoGal1/ Nov 26, 2017

    This mall was our family's major shopping destination when I was growing up. It meant a trip over the Skyway Bridge which was always exciting....and it was where I bought my first Beatles record!

A landmark in Hamilton for over 50 years, Centre Mall has over 90 stores and services for all your everyday needs. Located at Barton and Kenilworth.

1227 Barton Street East Hamilton, On L8N 2V4, Hamilton, Ontario
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