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City Hall

100 Queen St W, Toronto, Ontario

1965, Viljo Revell & J.B. Parkin Associates, at Bay St. (NW) -adopted by City Council on August 18, 1976 DESIGNATION By-Law Passed by City Council on February 25, 1991

  • City Hall
    guestBook Guestbook/ GeoGal1/ Jun 18, 2017 City Hall

    We have done a full range of things here - from attending training for Live Green Volunteers, registering our paid mortgage, bringing Civics students on a tour or visiting the green, of course, all of things taking place outside in Nathan Phillips Square.

  • Explore150 photoSpot Snapshot/ GeoGal1/ Jun 18, 2017
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City Hall

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Discovery Quest
Discovery Quests Needed!

You can create the first Discovery Quest for this site! Fill out 1 correct answer and 3 possible incorrect answers.

  • City Hall
    guestBook Guestbook/ GeoGal1/ Jun 18, 2017 City Hall

    We have done a full range of things here - from attending training for Live Green Volunteers, registering our paid mortgage, bringing Civics students on a tour or visiting the green, of course, all of things taking place outside in Nathan Phillips Square.

  • Explore150 photoSpot Snapshot/ GeoGal1/ Jun 18, 2017

1965, Viljo Revell & J.B. Parkin Associates, at Bay St. (NW) -adopted by City Council on August 18, 1976 DESIGNATION By-Law Passed by City Council on February 25, 1991

100 Queen St W, Toronto, Ontario
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