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Climb Thru Time Museum

Railway Avenue, Paradise Valley, Alberta

Reclaimed Grain Elevator.
Where once 6 of these great structures stood, now only one remains. The museum consists of 53 rooms in a grain annex that depict the evolution of agricultural and rural life in western Canada. The building is not an original instalment, rather it was constructed from salvaged material from another elevator that was scheduled for demolition. Lace up your walking shoes and get ready to climb thru time!

Note: the building is wheelchair accessible, and visitors climb a ramp rather than stairs.
Open 10-5 daily from June 1st through August 31st.

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Climb Thru Time Museum

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Discovery Quest
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Reclaimed Grain Elevator.
Where once 6 of these great structures stood, now only one remains. The museum consists of 53 rooms in a grain annex that depict the evolution of agricultural and rural life in western Canada. The building is not an original instalment, rather it was constructed from salvaged material from another elevator that was scheduled for demolition. Lace up your walking shoes and get ready to climb thru time!

Note: the building is wheelchair accessible, and visitors climb a ramp rather than stairs.
Open 10-5 daily from June 1st through August 31st.

Railway Avenue, Paradise Valley, Alberta
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