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Covered Bridge Potato Chips

Covered Bridge Potato Chips

35 Alwright Ct, Waterville, Carleton County, NB, , New Brunswick

Covered Bridge Potato Chip Company is in the heart of potato country - the perfect spot for making chips! Discover how fresh Russet potatoes are made into an old-fashioned, kettle-cooked potato chip. Take a tour of the facility where you can watch educational videos and see displays providing insight into some interesting facts about New Brunswick agriculture and the history of potato farming.

Watch and learn about every step of the potato-chip-making process, where every batch is cooked with care, one at a time, to ensure the best flavour and texture. The traditional way of making potato chips!

Photo Credit: Photography copyright (c) 2015 Province of New Brunswick

Text Credit: Site description from Tourism New Brunswick, used under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.

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Covered Bridge Potato Chips

Covered Bridge Potato Chips

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Covered Bridge Potato Chip Company is in the heart of potato country - the perfect spot for making chips! Discover how fresh Russet potatoes are made into an old-fashioned, kettle-cooked potato chip. Take a tour of the facility where you can watch educational videos and see displays providing insight into some interesting facts about New Brunswick agriculture and the history of potato farming.

Watch and learn about every step of the potato-chip-making process, where every batch is cooked with care, one at a time, to ensure the best flavour and texture. The traditional way of making potato chips!

35 Alwright Ct, Waterville, Carleton County, NB, , New Brunswick
  Earn 10 points!

Photo: Photography copyright (c) 2015 Province of New Brunswick