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Emerald Lake

Emerald Lake

Leask No. 464, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
(306) 375-2726

Formerly known as Ruxie Lake it was renamed Emerald for its clean, beautiful, spring fed water. In the 1920’s the Royal Municipality #465 applied to the Department of Natural Tourism for the lease on Emerald Lake. In the 1930’s this lease was turned over to the Avebury Community Club. By as early as 1932 the club noted a substantial increase in the use of the resort. They recorded 30 to 40 campers spending the entire summer. In the 1950’s the lease for Emerald Lake Resort was turned over to the Leask Branch of the Canadian Legion. In 1968 the Leask Legion turned the lease over to President Hector Duncan and Secretary C.E. Harris and Emerald Lake became a Regional Park.

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  • Emerald Lake Saskatchewan - Lakeside Paradise
    guestBook Guestbook/ ks966s/ Nov 7, 2014 Emerald Lake Saskatchewan - Lakeside Paradise

    For me this image represents my Canadian identity. Growing up in Canada has always meant long warm summers spent at the lake. Summers we would spend water skiing, tubing, and getting chased off the beach by security for being out after dark. Being at the lake makes me feel inspired, I can spend hours lying on the beach sketching and soaking up the suns rays. The lake is one of the few places I can go to feel like I belong, that I`m not an alien in my own skin. This image captured a moment that makes me truly proud and grateful to be Canadian.

Emerald Lake

Emerald Lake

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  • Emerald Lake Saskatchewan - Lakeside Paradise
    guestBook Guestbook/ ks966s/ Nov 7, 2014 Emerald Lake Saskatchewan - Lakeside Paradise

    For me this image represents my Canadian identity. Growing up in Canada has always meant long warm summers spent at the lake. Summers we would spend water skiing, tubing, and getting chased off the beach by security for being out after dark. Being at the lake makes me feel inspired, I can spend hours lying on the beach sketching and soaking up the suns rays. The lake is one of the few places I can go to feel like I belong, that I`m not an alien in my own skin. This image captured a moment that makes me truly proud and grateful to be Canadian.

Formerly known as Ruxie Lake it was renamed Emerald for its clean, beautiful, spring fed water. In the 1920’s the Royal Municipality #465 applied to the Department of Natural Tourism for the lease on Emerald Lake. In the 1930’s this lease was turned over to the Avebury Community Club. By as early as 1932 the club noted a substantial increase in the use of the resort. They recorded 30 to 40 campers spending the entire summer. In the 1950’s the lease for Emerald Lake Resort was turned over to the Leask Branch of the Canadian Legion. In 1968 the Leask Legion turned the lease over to President Hector Duncan and Secretary C.E. Harris and Emerald Lake became a Regional Park.

Leask No. 464, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
(306) 375-2726
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