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Evergreen Brick Works

Evergreen Brick Works

550 Bayview Ave, Toronto, Ontario

Originally a brick factory, Evergreen Brickworks is now a community centre for the environment in Canada.

Photo Credit: Photography copyright (c) 2006 Marcus Williams. Released under the GNU Free Documentation License.

Text Credit:

  • Biking to the Brickworks
    guestBook Guestbook/ alina1/ Jun 1, 2017

    I often bike down to the Brickworks on weekends along the Beltline( a 9km walking and cycling rail trail) to enjoy warm Belgian waffles with fruit and cream at the Farmer’s Market. The trail is extremely pleasant — lined with lush green trees and bordered by the Don River. The valley houses hundreds of sumac trees with fuzzy clusters of red fruit and many small hills providing a unique panoramic view of Toronto’s skyline.

    Souvent, je fais du vélo le long du Beltline (un sentier ferroviaire de 9km) au fermier Brickworks afin de m’offrir des gaufres belges avec du fruit et de la crème. Le sentier est super agréable—bordé d’arbres luxuriants et de la rivière Don. La vallée abrite de centaines d’arbres sumac et plusieurs collines qui offrent un panorama unique de la ville de Toronto.

  • Tout Est Possible
    guestBook Guestbook/ jane_h96/ Feb 26, 2015 Tout Est Possible

    Canadian Identity is connected to everything about this image. "Tout est Possible" is French for anything is possible and in Canada that is absolutely true. Anything is possible for those who are born here or those who come here from other countries. The fact that this was written in French displays such a dominant and important part of Canadian culture and Canadian history which is that of the French Canadians. The French Canadians play a large influence on Canadian culture through history, economy and politics. "Anything is possible" can be applied to the connection that Canadians have to each other whether they are Francophones, Anglophones, or Immigrants we all share great pride for our nation. Evergreen Brickworks is a great example of why someone should be proud to be Canadian. Originally, the Brickworks were a Brick quarry. Today, they are hiking trails and a farmers market. In the middle of the biggest city in Canada is a great Canadian treasure, a quarry converted into a family friendly space for all to enjoy. Evergreen Brickworks itself shows how "Tout est Possible",once a factory now a sense of national pride. Tout est possible for Canada.

  • Explore150 photoSpot Snapshot/ Jennifer/ Aug 9, 2014
  • farmers market
    guestBook Guestbook/ tyrell/ Mar 13, 2014

    its a fun place where i go in the summer to buy produce amd other goodies at the farmers market!

  • brick by brick
    guestBook Guestbook/ liamjod/ Jan 23, 2014

    a beautifully designed location. somewhat difficult and dangerous to reach by bike

  • Getting in touch with Nature at Brickworks!
    guestBook Guestbook/ Explore150 Team/ Dec 10, 2013

    When you think of Toronto, you may think of a concrete jungle, but it actually is a city nestled right into the wild Canadian landscape. One of the best places to see this mix of city and nature is at the Evergreen Brick Works. Once an abandoned brick factory providing the materials to build the city of Toronto, it was given new life when it reopened as a community centre dedicated to the environment. Evergreen Brickworks is special to me, because the environment and nature are appreciated here. Canada’s vast areas of pristine nature set us apart and how well we care for and interact with it is especially important. The centre gives courses to adults and youth alike on how to take care of the surrounding environment and allows them to have fun in it as well. All year round visitors are encouraged to take advantage of Toronto’s beautiful natural areas, with hiking trails that snake throughout the Don Valley area. Today visitors can enjoy biking workshops, gardening, rock climbing, farmers markets and more! I love to visit the Brickworks, because it has Canadian history, nature and innovation rolled up in one. Head down to Evergreen Brickworks, get in touch with nature and forget about the hustle and bustle of the city.

    En pensant de Toronto vous imaginez les gratte-ciels et le fer partout, mais Toronto est une ville située au centre de paysage canadien. Evergreen Brick Works est une des meilleures places à Toronto pour voir ce mélange. Une ancienne usine de fabrication de briques pour les bâtiments de Toronto laissés à l'abandon durant plusieurs années, Evergreen Brickworks est devenu un centre communautaire pour l'environnement au Canada. À mon avis, la reconnaissance de la nature et l'environnement est une idée admirable. Ce qui est spécial au Canada est notre paysage sauvage et il ne faut pas oublier d'en prendre soin. Le centre donne des cours aux visiteurs et éduquer des jeunes sur ces thèmes, mais aussi on peut bien s'amuser. La région de Don Valley a beaucoup de sentiers de randonnée et de marche qui sont extrêmement beaux. Les visiteurs de centre peuvent faire de vélo, apprendre à jardiner, faire l'escalade et beaucoup plus encore ! J'aime visiter Evergreen Brickworks parce qu'il est un mariage entre la nature, l'innovation et l'histoire canadienne. Allez visiter Evergreen Brickworks, entrez dans la nature et oubliez le stress au quotidien.

Evergreen Brick Works

Evergreen Brick Works

Site Info
Discovery Quest

In what year was the Dry Press Brick Plant built?

1900 1910 1891 1888
  • Biking to the Brickworks
    guestBook Guestbook/ alina1/ Jun 1, 2017

    I often bike down to the Brickworks on weekends along the Beltline( a 9km walking and cycling rail trail) to enjoy warm Belgian waffles with fruit and cream at the Farmer’s Market. The trail is extremely pleasant — lined with lush green trees and bordered by the Don River. The valley houses hundreds of sumac trees with fuzzy clusters of red fruit and many small hills providing a unique panoramic view of Toronto’s skyline.

    Souvent, je fais du vélo le long du Beltline (un sentier ferroviaire de 9km) au fermier Brickworks afin de m’offrir des gaufres belges avec du fruit et de la crème. Le sentier est super agréable—bordé d’arbres luxuriants et de la rivière Don. La vallée abrite de centaines d’arbres sumac et plusieurs collines qui offrent un panorama unique de la ville de Toronto.

  • Tout Est Possible
    guestBook Guestbook/ jane_h96/ Feb 26, 2015 Tout Est Possible

    Canadian Identity is connected to everything about this image. "Tout est Possible" is French for anything is possible and in Canada that is absolutely true. Anything is possible for those who are born here or those who come here from other countries. The fact that this was written in French displays such a dominant and important part of Canadian culture and Canadian history which is that of the French Canadians. The French Canadians play a large influence on Canadian culture through history, economy and politics. "Anything is possible" can be applied to the connection that Canadians have to each other whether they are Francophones, Anglophones, or Immigrants we all share great pride for our nation. Evergreen Brickworks is a great example of why someone should be proud to be Canadian. Originally, the Brickworks were a Brick quarry. Today, they are hiking trails and a farmers market. In the middle of the biggest city in Canada is a great Canadian treasure, a quarry converted into a family friendly space for all to enjoy. Evergreen Brickworks itself shows how "Tout est Possible",once a factory now a sense of national pride. Tout est possible for Canada.

  • Explore150 photoSpot Snapshot/ Jennifer/ Aug 9, 2014
  • farmers market
    guestBook Guestbook/ tyrell/ Mar 13, 2014

    its a fun place where i go in the summer to buy produce amd other goodies at the farmers market!

  • brick by brick
    guestBook Guestbook/ liamjod/ Jan 23, 2014

    a beautifully designed location. somewhat difficult and dangerous to reach by bike

  • Getting in touch with Nature at Brickworks!
    guestBook Guestbook/ Explore150 Team/ Dec 10, 2013

    When you think of Toronto, you may think of a concrete jungle, but it actually is a city nestled right into the wild Canadian landscape. One of the best places to see this mix of city and nature is at the Evergreen Brick Works. Once an abandoned brick factory providing the materials to build the city of Toronto, it was given new life when it reopened as a community centre dedicated to the environment. Evergreen Brickworks is special to me, because the environment and nature are appreciated here. Canada’s vast areas of pristine nature set us apart and how well we care for and interact with it is especially important. The centre gives courses to adults and youth alike on how to take care of the surrounding environment and allows them to have fun in it as well. All year round visitors are encouraged to take advantage of Toronto’s beautiful natural areas, with hiking trails that snake throughout the Don Valley area. Today visitors can enjoy biking workshops, gardening, rock climbing, farmers markets and more! I love to visit the Brickworks, because it has Canadian history, nature and innovation rolled up in one. Head down to Evergreen Brickworks, get in touch with nature and forget about the hustle and bustle of the city.

    En pensant de Toronto vous imaginez les gratte-ciels et le fer partout, mais Toronto est une ville située au centre de paysage canadien. Evergreen Brick Works est une des meilleures places à Toronto pour voir ce mélange. Une ancienne usine de fabrication de briques pour les bâtiments de Toronto laissés à l'abandon durant plusieurs années, Evergreen Brickworks est devenu un centre communautaire pour l'environnement au Canada. À mon avis, la reconnaissance de la nature et l'environnement est une idée admirable. Ce qui est spécial au Canada est notre paysage sauvage et il ne faut pas oublier d'en prendre soin. Le centre donne des cours aux visiteurs et éduquer des jeunes sur ces thèmes, mais aussi on peut bien s'amuser. La région de Don Valley a beaucoup de sentiers de randonnée et de marche qui sont extrêmement beaux. Les visiteurs de centre peuvent faire de vélo, apprendre à jardiner, faire l'escalade et beaucoup plus encore ! J'aime visiter Evergreen Brickworks parce qu'il est un mariage entre la nature, l'innovation et l'histoire canadienne. Allez visiter Evergreen Brickworks, entrez dans la nature et oubliez le stress au quotidien.

Originally a brick factory, Evergreen Brickworks is now a community centre for the environment in Canada.

550 Bayview Ave, Toronto, Ontario
  Earn 10 points!

Photo: Photography copyright (c) 2006 Marcus Williams. Released under the GNU Free Documentation License.