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Jessie Lake Trail

Jessie Lake Trail Bonnyville, Bonnyville, Alberta

Jessie Lake, located along the southern border of Bonnyville, is an important staging area for shorebirds and waterfowl, while Moose Lake is home to pelicans and eagles.

Nearby Cold Lake offers warblers, verios and other forest birds and Wolf Lake is the place to spot owls, herons, western grebes and thrushes. Some of the winged visitors also include Alberta's rarest species such as whooping cranes, ospreys, bald eagles, golden eagles and yellow rails.

  • A little bit of nature in town
    guestBook Guestbook/ yamaneko/ Apr 27, 2017

    It is nice to have some nature in town and a lake at such a close proximity, especially when you don't have a car to go out of town! Great for some outdoor exercises. The trail around the lake makes convenient for everyone, for a walk, biking, jogging.

Jessie Lake Trail

Site Info
  • A little bit of nature in town
    guestBook Guestbook/ yamaneko/ Apr 27, 2017

    It is nice to have some nature in town and a lake at such a close proximity, especially when you don't have a car to go out of town! Great for some outdoor exercises. The trail around the lake makes convenient for everyone, for a walk, biking, jogging.

Jessie Lake, located along the southern border of Bonnyville, is an important staging area for shorebirds and waterfowl, while Moose Lake is home to pelicans and eagles.

Nearby Cold Lake offers warblers, verios and other forest birds and Wolf Lake is the place to spot owls, herons, western grebes and thrushes. Some of the winged visitors also include Alberta's rarest species such as whooping cranes, ospreys, bald eagles, golden eagles and yellow rails.

Jessie Lake Trail Bonnyville, Bonnyville, Alberta
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