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Lantzville Foothills

Nanaimo, British Columbia

The Lantzville Foothills are a handful of beautiful rocky knolls rising above a clearcut area that is slated for subdivision. Some people worry that these viewpoints will soon be available only from other peoples' living room windows. However, the (various) developers have promised to reserve the peaks of the hills as parkland for use by the future residents.

  • Lantzville Foothills
    guestBook Guestbook/ kbrwh/ Aug 14, 2015

    In Lantzville there's a series of little mountains you can wander through, and they offer some fantastic views. There's also a lot of wildlife out there.

  • Explore150 photoSpot Snapshot/ kbrwh/ Aug 14, 2015
Discovery Quest Discovery Quest

Which of these trees are you less likely to see in the foothills?

Arbutus Fir Maple Cedar

Lantzville Foothills

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Discovery Quest

Which of these trees are you less likely to see in the foothills?

Arbutus Fir Maple Cedar
  • Lantzville Foothills
    guestBook Guestbook/ kbrwh/ Aug 14, 2015

    In Lantzville there's a series of little mountains you can wander through, and they offer some fantastic views. There's also a lot of wildlife out there.

  • Explore150 photoSpot Snapshot/ kbrwh/ Aug 14, 2015

The Lantzville Foothills are a handful of beautiful rocky knolls rising above a clearcut area that is slated for subdivision. Some people worry that these viewpoints will soon be available only from other peoples' living room windows. However, the (various) developers have promised to reserve the peaks of the hills as parkland for use by the future residents.

Nanaimo, British Columbia
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