The Myra Canyon Trestles are a part of the Kettle Valley Railway, which began construction in 1910. They were completed in 1914. Originally comprised of twenty trestles (one was bypassed and another was filled in), this site was the highest of the entire Kettle Valley Railway. (1249.68 m above sea level). In January of 2003, after almost a decade of restoration work, the trestles were named a place of "natural historic significance" (National Historic Sites and Monuments Board). The trestles were now a beautiful walking and biking trail. But it was not to last. In mid-August of 2003, the Okanagan Mountain Park fire destroyed 12 of the 16 wooden trestles and damaged the two metal ones. It was decided that the trestles were too valuable as a historic site to be abandoned. The last one was rebuilt in 2008.
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Photo: Photo by Flickr user sarahkim, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic license.