

 Richmond, British Columbia

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    March 16, 2015
  • Queen's Park
    Queen's Park
    guestBook Guestbook Another Piece

    Millions of people. Thousands of dreams. Hundreds of ideas. What defines … me? Where do I belong in this beautiful puzzle that is Canada? Sometimes looking around I often feel left behind. Boring. One face among the many in this world. Replaceable. Just a passing conscience that will fade as quickly as it appeared, leaving behind the thought that somewhere, sometime, this someone had existed. As we grow up we begin to shed our fantasies, we lose that special something that makes us think that we are different. We throw away the part of ourselves that believes we are meant for something big. Instead we come to believe that we are mundane, nothing special, nothing unique, just one of the many. I am an artist in a place with millions of artists, I am a writer in a place where almost anyone can write. Yet I know that no matter how similar I am to others no one is truly me. Someone may be an element that makes up who I am but they will never be the combination that creates me. No one loves to draw almost as much as she loves to breathe, yet needs to read books almost as much as she needs to sleep. No one else loves to smile no matter what, yet is more cranky than a troll in the morning and drives her parents crazy by never wearing her shoes. No one dreams of things that are said to be impossible yet loves the laughter she gets as she makes the impossible possible. Perhaps I will never be able to make a dent in history but I know that I am piece of this beautiful puzzle, and like every puzzle it cannot be complete without every single piece. I am a piece that makes up Canada and I am glad. Like the dazzling flowers that bloom within this picture, I hope to become maybe not an important piece but a radiant one. One that will bring a smile to all those who see it and laughter to the ones I love. This is who I am as a Canadian. This is where I belong. This is my home, my identity. This is me.



 Richmond, British Columbia
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    March 16, 2015
  • Queen's Park
    Queen's Park
    guestBook Guestbook Another Piece

    Millions of people. Thousands of dreams. Hundreds of ideas. What defines … me? Where do I belong in this beautiful puzzle that is Canada? Sometimes looking around I often feel left behind. Boring. One face among the many in this world. Replaceable. Just a passing conscience that will fade as quickly as it appeared, leaving behind the thought that somewhere, sometime, this someone had existed. As we grow up we begin to shed our fantasies, we lose that special something that makes us think that we are different. We throw away the part of ourselves that believes we are meant for something big. Instead we come to believe that we are mundane, nothing special, nothing unique, just one of the many. I am an artist in a place with millions of artists, I am a writer in a place where almost anyone can write. Yet I know that no matter how similar I am to others no one is truly me. Someone may be an element that makes up who I am but they will never be the combination that creates me. No one loves to draw almost as much as she loves to breathe, yet needs to read books almost as much as she needs to sleep. No one else loves to smile no matter what, yet is more cranky than a troll in the morning and drives her parents crazy by never wearing her shoes. No one dreams of things that are said to be impossible yet loves the laughter she gets as she makes the impossible possible. Perhaps I will never be able to make a dent in history but I know that I am piece of this beautiful puzzle, and like every puzzle it cannot be complete without every single piece. I am a piece that makes up Canada and I am glad. Like the dazzling flowers that bloom within this picture, I hope to become maybe not an important piece but a radiant one. One that will bring a smile to all those who see it and laughter to the ones I love. This is who I am as a Canadian. This is where I belong. This is my home, my identity. This is me.