Ann Jillian Prado
London, Ontario-
Kluane National Park and Reserve
Guestbook Beautiful Kluane
The following photo captures the beauty of Kluane National Park and Reserve, located in the Yukon Territory of Canada. In terms of travelling, I've only ever been to cities in Canada and the United States - never really anywhere that holds profound splendour to the eye. But I've always wanted to visit a place like Kluane. I think that living in Canada all my life, and having foreign parents who went through such a different childhood has made me realize all of the small things. Often living in the big city, oriented around materialistic needs, keeping focus towards media, school and education - we fail to realize all of the tiny but extremely important things that contribute to the big picture, which is the world around us. Our consumption has added to the rising epidemic of global warming, and this has affected our environment catastrophically. Living in a city really makes you realize how deeply big actions such as chemical emissions, construction and even small actions such as littering and unnecessary energy use can affect the world around you. We don't often realize that there still is beauty in parts of the world such as Kluane. By experiencing and researching Kluane, we realize that our earth is important and we need to take care of it - otherwise beauty like this will cease to exist. On a more positive note, Kluane reminds me that although sometimes the winter gets pretty tough in the city (with all of the shovelling, snow-blowing, increasing difficulty when commuting), a cold climate can be pretty stunning. It teaches me to never take things for granted - that there is always beauty in everything, even if we don't see it.