Sarah Suckow

Sarah Suckow

 Niverville, Manitoba

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    March 13, 2015
  • Digital Storytelling Contest
    Digital Storytelling Contest
    guestBook Guestbook Starbucks - Canada cap

    This picture was made in a Starbucks while we have been waiting for the Christmas parade in Winnipeg. It was the first christmas I spent in Canada.

  • The Forks National Historic Sites
    The Forks National Historic Sites
    guestBook Guestbook Cold Wintertime in Canada

    This picture was made in Winnipeg, Manitoba and it shows me experiencing the first cold winter in my whole life, because I have never known how cold -30°C are.

Sarah Suckow

Sarah Suckow

 Niverville, Manitoba
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    March 13, 2015
  • Digital Storytelling Contest
    Digital Storytelling Contest
    guestBook Guestbook Starbucks - Canada cap

    This picture was made in a Starbucks while we have been waiting for the Christmas parade in Winnipeg. It was the first christmas I spent in Canada.

  • The Forks National Historic Sites
    The Forks National Historic Sites
    guestBook Guestbook Cold Wintertime in Canada

    This picture was made in Winnipeg, Manitoba and it shows me experiencing the first cold winter in my whole life, because I have never known how cold -30°C are.