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Roy G. Hobbs Community Centre And Park

109 Larch Crescent, Cumberland, Ottawa, Ontario

  • Roy G. Hobbs Community Centre and Park
    guestBook Guestbook/ robinwild/ Nov 2, 2017

    Super soccer field here and the bike path cuts around it. It is a nice place to go for a walk and you can take an off-path and see the water. The community centre is tiny, but there is a seniors group that meets there and many community meetings.

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Roy G. Hobbs Community Centre And Park

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  • Roy G. Hobbs Community Centre and Park
    guestBook Guestbook/ robinwild/ Nov 2, 2017

    Super soccer field here and the bike path cuts around it. It is a nice place to go for a walk and you can take an off-path and see the water. The community centre is tiny, but there is a seniors group that meets there and many community meetings.

109 Larch Crescent, Cumberland, Ottawa, Ontario
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