The Southwest Nova Biosphere Reserve is a UNESCO designated and internationally recognized region of natural and cultural heritage. The SNBR spans the 5 counties of Annapolis, Digby, Yarmouth, Shelburne and Queens and is one of only 16 biosphere reserves in Canada.
Local governments, businesses and communities recognize the special qualities of our natural and cultural heritage and joined together to help create our biosphere reserve. Together they creatively promote conservation and sustainable development which supports the local economies and communities. You are sure to discover a deep sense of place within one of Canada’s most unique regions. The community efforts for sustainability in Queens, Shelburne, Yarmouth, Digby and Annapolis counties are internationally recognized through distinction as the UNESCO Southwest Nova Biosphere Reserve.
The Southwest Nova Biosphere Reserve is a place where you can appreciate an extraordinary diverse natural landscape, surrounded by the sea, that has and continues to shape local culture.
The work at the Southwest Nova Biosphere Reserve Association supports the three elements of biosphere reserves: conservation, sustainable development, and capacity building for research and education. They encourage people of the communities within the SNBR to work together toward common goals in new and expanded partnerships. The time is right for people to foster and celebrate efforts within the SNBR while becoming an environmentally responsible society.