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Spadina WaveDeck

Spadina WaveDeck

401 Queens Quay W, Toronto, ON M5V, Toronto, Ontario

As the first wavedeck to open along Toronto’s waterfront, the Spadina WaveDeck is an important symbol for waterfront revitalization. Located at the foot of Spadina Avenue, the 630 square-metre wooden wavedeck transformed a narrow sidewalk into a new waterside gathering place. It created more public space along one of the most heavily used parts of the Toronto shoreline and helped connect two key waterfront amenities, the Music Garden and HtO Park.

Photo Credit: Photography copyright (c) 2015 by Landscape Voice

Text Credit: Site description from waterfront Toronto:

  • Beautiful on a nice day
    guestBook Guestbook/ KatieWilliams/ Nov 29, 2017

    I love walking the WaveDeck. On a warm summer day it is really nice to look out over the water and see some of the sailing ships that are going by.

  • Explore150 photoSpot Snapshot/ jacquie523/ Aug 28, 2015
  • Explore150 photoSpot Snapshot/ naomiwatson/ Aug 28, 2015
Spadina WaveDeck

Spadina WaveDeck

Site Info
Discovery Quest

When was the Spadina WaveDeck built?

2008-2009 2007-2008 2006-2007 2010
  • Beautiful on a nice day
    guestBook Guestbook/ KatieWilliams/ Nov 29, 2017

    I love walking the WaveDeck. On a warm summer day it is really nice to look out over the water and see some of the sailing ships that are going by.

  • Explore150 photoSpot Snapshot/ jacquie523/ Aug 28, 2015
  • Explore150 photoSpot Snapshot/ naomiwatson/ Aug 28, 2015

As the first wavedeck to open along Toronto’s waterfront, the Spadina WaveDeck is an important symbol for waterfront revitalization. Located at the foot of Spadina Avenue, the 630 square-metre wooden wavedeck transformed a narrow sidewalk into a new waterside gathering place. It created more public space along one of the most heavily used parts of the Toronto shoreline and helped connect two key waterfront amenities, the Music Garden and HtO Park.

401 Queens Quay W, Toronto, ON M5V, Toronto, Ontario
  Earn 10 points!

Photo: Photography copyright (c) 2015 by Landscape Voice