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Saint Louis Square

Saint Louis Square

Rue du Square Saint Louis, Montréal, Quebec
(514) 849-9635
Always open

The Square Saint Louis is an urban square in Montreal's Plateau neighbourhood. It is in between Saint-Laurent and Saint-Denis, two important north-south streets. The square used to sit above Montreal's reservoir until it was moved to McTavish after the great fire of 1852.

The Project for Public Spaces has called the square "the closest thing to a European neighborhood square you'll find this side of the Atlantic."

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  • Lovely stroll
    guestBook Guestbook/ Explore150 Team/ Dec 1, 2016

    My girlfriend and I frequently walk through the square as it is right by where we live. It is also a wonderful place to go and hang out. We usually go by the fountain. In the summer you can buy food and drinks in the gazebo!

Saint Louis Square

Saint Louis Square

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Throughout its history, the square has attracted many of what?

Singers Filmmakers Artists Pigeons
  • Lovely stroll
    guestBook Guestbook/ Explore150 Team/ Dec 1, 2016

    My girlfriend and I frequently walk through the square as it is right by where we live. It is also a wonderful place to go and hang out. We usually go by the fountain. In the summer you can buy food and drinks in the gazebo!

The Square Saint Louis is an urban square in Montreal's Plateau neighbourhood. It is in between Saint-Laurent and Saint-Denis, two important north-south streets. The square used to sit above Montreal's reservoir until it was moved to McTavish after the great fire of 1852.

The Project for Public Spaces has called the square "the closest thing to a European neighborhood square you'll find this side of the Atlantic."

Rue du Square Saint Louis, Montréal, Quebec
(514) 849-9635
Always open
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