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Timber Village Museum

Timber Village Museum

180 Leacock St., Blind River, ON, P0R 1B0, Blind River, Ontario
May 31 to Sept. 2, daily 10am-4:45pm; Rest of year: Mon to Fri 10am to 4:30

The history of the local industries and early pioneers is interpreted at this museum. Exhibits cover the logging, lumbering, fur trapping, shipping, commercial fishing, rail and other transportation industries through to modern era mining and tourism. Outside exhibits include a Blacksmith Shop, pointer boat and machinery from "the largest pine sawmill east of the Rocky Mountains".

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Timber Village Museum

Timber Village Museum

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Discovery Quest
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The history of the local industries and early pioneers is interpreted at this museum. Exhibits cover the logging, lumbering, fur trapping, shipping, commercial fishing, rail and other transportation industries through to modern era mining and tourism. Outside exhibits include a Blacksmith Shop, pointer boat and machinery from "the largest pine sawmill east of the Rocky Mountains".

180 Leacock St., Blind River, ON, P0R 1B0, Blind River, Ontario
May 31 to Sept. 2, daily 10am-4:45pm; Rest of year: Mon to Fri 10am to 4:30
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