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Tofino Tofino, Tofino, British Columbia

  • Tofino, BC - Living in the Present
    guestBook Guestbook/ ailema_5/ Jan 19, 2015 Tofino, BC - Living in the Present

    Most of us are never fully present in the now. Unconsciously we believe the next moment must be more important. This is a major downfall of the human race. If we are always waiting for the next moment then we will miss our whole life, which is never not now! It is important to realize that life is only ever "now".

    Nature has a way of bringing us into the present moment and putting things into perspective. I personally find lots of inspiration in places that mentally stimulate me and allow me to appreciate how small I really am in the grand scheme of things. The small west coast town of Tofino, BC is the perfect place to be blown away by the raw beauty of nature.

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  • Tofino, BC - Living in the Present
    guestBook Guestbook/ ailema_5/ Jan 19, 2015 Tofino, BC - Living in the Present

    Most of us are never fully present in the now. Unconsciously we believe the next moment must be more important. This is a major downfall of the human race. If we are always waiting for the next moment then we will miss our whole life, which is never not now! It is important to realize that life is only ever "now".

    Nature has a way of bringing us into the present moment and putting things into perspective. I personally find lots of inspiration in places that mentally stimulate me and allow me to appreciate how small I really am in the grand scheme of things. The small west coast town of Tofino, BC is the perfect place to be blown away by the raw beauty of nature.

Tofino Tofino, Tofino, British Columbia
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