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Virden Canadian Pacific Railroad

Virden Canadian Pacific Railroad

425 - 6th Avenue S, Virden, Manitoba

In 1872 the Canadian Pacific Railway reached Virden, with the first town site being established near Gopher Creek, immediately east of the present town site.
Located at 425 - 6th Avenue S, the Canadian Railway Station was constructed in 1900 after the original wood frame station burnt in 1899. It has been restored and declared a heritage building in 1994. It's unique fieldstone and overhanging eaves style was common with many rail stations in larger centers.

In the early years, many new immigrant farmers and businessmen would have first disembarked from the train at this location and passed through the doors of this station.

Today, it houses many community based organizations including the "Virden and Area Arts Council", the "Virden Chamber of Commerce" and "Kelchris". Also included is an art gallery and a separate board room area.

Photo Credit: Train is located next to the Canadian Railway Station building.

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Virden Canadian Pacific Railroad

Virden Canadian Pacific Railroad

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In 1872 the Canadian Pacific Railway reached Virden, with the first town site being established near Gopher Creek, immediately east of the present town site.
Located at 425 - 6th Avenue S, the Canadian Railway Station was constructed in 1900 after the original wood frame station burnt in 1899. It has been restored and declared a heritage building in 1994. It's unique fieldstone and overhanging eaves style was common with many rail stations in larger centers.

In the early years, many new immigrant farmers and businessmen would have first disembarked from the train at this location and passed through the doors of this station.

Today, it houses many community based organizations including the "Virden and Area Arts Council", the "Virden Chamber of Commerce" and "Kelchris". Also included is an art gallery and a separate board room area.

425 - 6th Avenue S, Virden, Manitoba
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Photo: Train is located next to the Canadian Railway Station building.