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Virden Pioneer Home Museum

Virden Pioneer Home Museum

390 King St W, Virden, Manitoba

Located at 390 King Street, and Established in 1970, the museum holds over 6,000 items relating to the Victorian era of Virden's history. The museum itself was constructed in 1888 and the displays depicts a Victorian era home.

The museum is open daily from June1 to August 31 and it is staffed by youth dressed in attire of that era. Staff provide daily interpretive tours of the museum and in August an annual "Museum Day" is held with active displays of crafts such as quilting and yarn spinning.

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Virden Pioneer Home Museum

Virden Pioneer Home Museum

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Located at 390 King Street, and Established in 1970, the museum holds over 6,000 items relating to the Victorian era of Virden's history. The museum itself was constructed in 1888 and the displays depicts a Victorian era home.

The museum is open daily from June1 to August 31 and it is staffed by youth dressed in attire of that era. Staff provide daily interpretive tours of the museum and in August an annual "Museum Day" is held with active displays of crafts such as quilting and yarn spinning.

390 King St W, Virden, Manitoba
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