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Aquarium of Québec

Aquarium of Québec

1675 Avenue des Hôtels, Ville de Québec, QC G1W 4S3, Quebec, Quebec
+1 866-659-5264
10AM - 4PM

Dive into the sea, in Québec City. Come and meet the 10,000 marine animals that inhabit the Aquarium: fish, reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates, and sea mammals. Among them, polar bear, walruses, and seals will provide you with unique moments. Watch them when they're feeding or being trained. A fascinating experience for young and old alike! This huge site (16 hectares) has superbly laid out areas indoors and outdoors. Come for a picnic, cool off with the water games, and navigate the Tree-to-Tree pathway-safe and designed for kids. A great way to spend an exceptional day!

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

Text Credit: Site description from Sépaq, used under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.

  • My favourite display
    guestBook Guestbook/ Explore150 Team/ Dec 18, 2016

    When I went to the aquarium my favourite part was the outdoor exhibits and not the fish. I enjoyed the snow fox in particular because I rarely get to see them at the zoo. Turns out winter really is the best time to see them, go figure!

Aquarium of Québec

Aquarium of Québec

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  • My favourite display
    guestBook Guestbook/ Explore150 Team/ Dec 18, 2016

    When I went to the aquarium my favourite part was the outdoor exhibits and not the fish. I enjoyed the snow fox in particular because I rarely get to see them at the zoo. Turns out winter really is the best time to see them, go figure!

Dive into the sea, in Québec City. Come and meet the 10,000 marine animals that inhabit the Aquarium: fish, reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates, and sea mammals. Among them, polar bear, walruses, and seals will provide you with unique moments. Watch them when they're feeding or being trained. A fascinating experience for young and old alike! This huge site (16 hectares) has superbly laid out areas indoors and outdoors. Come for a picnic, cool off with the water games, and navigate the Tree-to-Tree pathway-safe and designed for kids. A great way to spend an exceptional day!

1675 Avenue des Hôtels, Ville de Québec, QC G1W 4S3, Quebec, Quebec
+1 866-659-5264
10AM - 4PM
  Earn 10 points!

Photo: Wikipedia