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Al Waxman Statue

Al Waxman Statue

5 Bellevue Ave, Toronto, ON, Toronto, Ontario

Measuring just under half a hectare, Bellevue Square is a small park in the heart of Toronto's Kensington Market neighbourhood. This park features a wading pool, playground and drinking fountain. It is also home to a life size bronze statue of Toronto-born actor and director Al Waxman, best known for his role as Larry King in the television series "King of Kensington".

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Al Waxman Statue

Al Waxman Statue

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Discovery Quest

How many viewers did the Canadian sitcom King of Kensington have every week?

1 million 100 thousand 7 thousand 2 million

Measuring just under half a hectare, Bellevue Square is a small park in the heart of Toronto's Kensington Market neighbourhood. This park features a wading pool, playground and drinking fountain. It is also home to a life size bronze statue of Toronto-born actor and director Al Waxman, best known for his role as Larry King in the television series "King of Kensington".

5 Bellevue Ave, Toronto, ON, Toronto, Ontario
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