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Charlevoix is a natural and authentic tourist region which extends from the village of Petite-Rivière-Saint-François to the mouth of the Saguenay, on the North shore of the St. Lawrence River. The region owes its name to the Jesuit, François-Xavier de Charlevoix, New France’s first historian. The territory, the smallest tourist area in Québec, includes 13 municipalities from 6 sectors, four of them are part of the « Association des plus beaux villages du Québec » (The most beautiful villages of Québec Association). Saint-Siméon (Port-au-Persil), Saint-Irénée, Les Éboulements and La Malbaie (Cap à l’Aigle) reflect the amazing beauty of Charlevoix’s scenery.

Among Charlevoix’s sectors, is Isle-aux-Coudres, only accessible by ferry through Les Éboulements (Saint-Joseph-de-la-Rive). This island whose name refers to the the abundance of « coudriers » (now called hazel trees) reigns on the St. Lawrence and vibrates in tune with its marine environment.

Charlevoix quickly became a favorite resort destination during the white ships era and has a long tourist tradition. As early as the 1800s, La Malbaie’s inhabitants welcomed excursionists coming to enjoy the region’s hospitality, the sun and the river’s salted water. Owning a summer residence in the region, Howard Taft, who would become President of the United States, used to say that La Malbaie’s (Murray Bay) « air intoxicates like champagne without the next day’s hangover ».

Photo Credit: © Office du tourisme de Québec

Text Credit: 2017 © Tourisme Charlevoix

  • My favourite part of Charlevoix / Ma partie préférée de Charlevoix
    guestBook Guestbook/ Explore150 Team/ Jan 16, 2017

    When I visited Charlevoix I enjoyed learning about the culture and heritage of this vibrant region. It is truly unique.

    Quand j'ai visité Charlevoix, j'ai aimé apprendre la culture et le patrimoine de cette région animée. C'est vraiment unique.

Discovery Quest Discovery Quest

Which exotic animal did Nathalie Poirier introduce to the town of les Éboulements?

Alpacas Gnu Osterich


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Discovery Quest

Which exotic animal did Nathalie Poirier introduce to the town of les Éboulements?

Alpacas Gnu Osterich
  • My favourite part of Charlevoix / Ma partie préférée de Charlevoix
    guestBook Guestbook/ Explore150 Team/ Jan 16, 2017

    When I visited Charlevoix I enjoyed learning about the culture and heritage of this vibrant region. It is truly unique.

    Quand j'ai visité Charlevoix, j'ai aimé apprendre la culture et le patrimoine de cette région animée. C'est vraiment unique.

Charlevoix is a natural and authentic tourist region which extends from the village of Petite-Rivière-Saint-François to the mouth of the Saguenay, on the North shore of the St. Lawrence River. The region owes its name to the Jesuit, François-Xavier de Charlevoix, New France’s first historian. The territory, the smallest tourist area in Québec, includes 13 municipalities from 6 sectors, four of them are part of the « Association des plus beaux villages du Québec » (The most beautiful villages of Québec Association). Saint-Siméon (Port-au-Persil), Saint-Irénée, Les Éboulements and La Malbaie (Cap à l’Aigle) reflect the amazing beauty of Charlevoix’s scenery.

Among Charlevoix’s sectors, is Isle-aux-Coudres, only accessible by ferry through Les Éboulements (Saint-Joseph-de-la-Rive). This island whose name refers to the the abundance of « coudriers » (now called hazel trees) reigns on the St. Lawrence and vibrates in tune with its marine environment.

Charlevoix quickly became a favorite resort destination during the white ships era and has a long tourist tradition. As early as the 1800s, La Malbaie’s inhabitants welcomed excursionists coming to enjoy the region’s hospitality, the sun and the river’s salted water. Owning a summer residence in the region, Howard Taft, who would become President of the United States, used to say that La Malbaie’s (Murray Bay) « air intoxicates like champagne without the next day’s hangover ».

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Photo: © Office du tourisme de Québec