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Clayoquot Sound Biosphere Reserve

Clayoquot Sound Biosphere Reserve

Clayoquot, British Columbia

The UNESCO Clayoquot Sound Biosphere Reserve is situated in Vancouver Island on the west coast of British Columbia. A diverse range of ecosystems exist within the biosphere reserve boundaries, including temperate coastal rainforest, ocean and rocky coastal shores. Nine of the large forested valleys remain untouched by logging or other industrial development. The area’s temperate rainforest, lakes, rivers and alpine peaks provide habitats for a vast array of species, a significant number of which are endangered or rare. Given that development is increasingly resulting in the fragmentation of forest and alpine ecosystems and loss of biodiversity in coastal rainforests, this biosphere reserve provides a welcome refuge and centre for the natural dispersion and re-establishment of species.

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Discovery Quest Discovery Quest

What is the mode of transportation to get to Clayoquot Sound?

Ferry Plane Taxi
Clayoquot Sound Biosphere Reserve

Clayoquot Sound Biosphere Reserve

Site Info
Discovery Quest

What is the mode of transportation to get to Clayoquot Sound?

Ferry Plane Taxi

The UNESCO Clayoquot Sound Biosphere Reserve is situated in Vancouver Island on the west coast of British Columbia. A diverse range of ecosystems exist within the biosphere reserve boundaries, including temperate coastal rainforest, ocean and rocky coastal shores. Nine of the large forested valleys remain untouched by logging or other industrial development. The area’s temperate rainforest, lakes, rivers and alpine peaks provide habitats for a vast array of species, a significant number of which are endangered or rare. Given that development is increasingly resulting in the fragmentation of forest and alpine ecosystems and loss of biodiversity in coastal rainforests, this biosphere reserve provides a welcome refuge and centre for the natural dispersion and re-establishment of species.

Clayoquot, British Columbia
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