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Fanshawe Pioneer Village

Fanshawe Pioneer Village

1424 Clarke Rd, London, Ontario

Fanshawe Pioneer Village is an open-air museum established in 1959 and located in the Fanshawe Conservation Area in London, Ontario. The village uses historical re-enactments to communicate the history of rural communities in the former townships of Westminster, London, North Dorchester, Delaware, West Nissouri and Lobo in Middlesex County from 1820 to 1920 and the founding and development of the City of London up to 1840.

Photo Credit: Photograph from Wikipedia, uploaded by user Joanne and Matt, used under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

Text Credit: Site description from Wikipedia.

  • Childhood Memories
    guestBook Guestbook/ nicholpennell/ Jul 17, 2017

    I used to come here a lot when I was little, either with my family or with school. It was always super fun and interesting. I love what they do for Halloween, it is worth a visit around then!

  • A Day With The Wife And Kids
    guestBook Guestbook/ bigfatdaddy197/ Feb 26, 2016 A Day With The Wife And Kids

    It is a wonderful experience taking the kids to a place that your parents took you to when you were a kid yourself. The wide eyes on there faces when they see the animals and old vehicles. How people lived in the days of old. My wife and I sitting there watching chasing the soldiers, and remembering when I was doing the same. Loving my Wife and Kids that is my place of change.

  • Dickens Dinner
    guestBook Guestbook/ allstar101/ Dec 11, 2014

    Annual Christmas dinner!! Couldnt be more excited!

Discovery Quest Discovery Quest

What publication comes out of the Print Shop located in Fanshawe Pioneer Village?

The Western University Tribunal The London Times The London Free Press
Fanshawe Pioneer Village

Fanshawe Pioneer Village

Site Info
Discovery Quest

What publication comes out of the Print Shop located in Fanshawe Pioneer Village?

The Western University Tribunal The London Times The London Free Press
  • Childhood Memories
    guestBook Guestbook/ nicholpennell/ Jul 17, 2017

    I used to come here a lot when I was little, either with my family or with school. It was always super fun and interesting. I love what they do for Halloween, it is worth a visit around then!

  • A Day With The Wife And Kids
    guestBook Guestbook/ bigfatdaddy197/ Feb 26, 2016 A Day With The Wife And Kids

    It is a wonderful experience taking the kids to a place that your parents took you to when you were a kid yourself. The wide eyes on there faces when they see the animals and old vehicles. How people lived in the days of old. My wife and I sitting there watching chasing the soldiers, and remembering when I was doing the same. Loving my Wife and Kids that is my place of change.

  • Dickens Dinner
    guestBook Guestbook/ allstar101/ Dec 11, 2014

    Annual Christmas dinner!! Couldnt be more excited!

Fanshawe Pioneer Village is an open-air museum established in 1959 and located in the Fanshawe Conservation Area in London, Ontario. The village uses historical re-enactments to communicate the history of rural communities in the former townships of Westminster, London, North Dorchester, Delaware, West Nissouri and Lobo in Middlesex County from 1820 to 1920 and the founding and development of the City of London up to 1840.

1424 Clarke Rd, London, Ontario
  Earn 10 points!

Photo: Photograph from Wikipedia, uploaded by user Joanne and Matt, used under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.