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Garibaldi Lake

Garibaldi Lake

Garibaldi Lake Squamish-Lillooet D, Squamish, British Columbia

Garibaldi Lake is a turquoise-coloured alpine lake in British Columbia, Canada, located 37 km (23 mi) north of Squamish and 19 km (12 mi) south of Whistler. The lake lies within Garibaldi Provincial Park, which features mountains, glaciers, trails, forests, flowers, meadows, waterfalls. The park is a wildlife protected area. The trails in the area are promoted as being among the most beautiful on earth.

Photo Credit: Photography from Wikipedia. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.

Text Credit: If the description is copied from somewhere, credit the source here. e.g. "Site description from Wikipedia, used under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.

  • summer when i was 18
    guestBook Guestbook/ rick8822/ Aug 9, 2017

    Visited this lake many years ago when I drove across Canada to spend the summer in Creekside at the bottom of Whistler mountain. The water is crystal clear and the very cold. Hiked the paths for hours so nice.

  • Spectacular!
    guestBook Guestbook/ hongkonghuige/ Sep 7, 2015

    Wow! The water is even more turquoise than in pictures! My favorite part was when we took a small break in a meadow covered in flowers, overlooking the lake and snowy mountains. It was beautiful, would definitely go again.

  • cold
    guestBook Guestbook/ camper-ohooper/ Jul 6, 2015

    The lake is very cold
    But the food is.good

  • A Whisper in The Rock
    guestBook Guestbook/ breray/ Mar 13, 2015 A Whisper in The Rock

    A bead of sweat had begun to pool near my hairline, growing in size it started to slide down my cheek leaving a wet trail amidst my freckles and dry parched skin as it went; alike the lines drawn of where someone has been on a map. Funny how a face can tell a story just as easily as a word, a picture, or a map can depict one. As the drop reached my upper lip I tasted the salt but didn't care enough at the time to swipe it away. My senses were on high alert, every inch of me was buzzing with the sensation of the looming forest above me and alluring nature that enveloped me on all sides. Aware of the moist shirt under my backpack, the ache of my calves, and the sound of my teeth grinding together as I grimaced with each step from the newly formed blister across my heel I trudged onward. Scents of pine needles and dirt intermingled with sweet fresh air reached my nose, my lungs had never felt so alive as they did in that moment. The branches hung above me drooped inwards from all the rain making me feel like royalty walking beneath their arched tips. The gruelling four hour hike was almost at its end; I reached the transparent aqua lake and was awarded with the most magnificent sight. Upon seeing one of British Columbia’s unique specialties I had thought to myself how lucky I was to call this my home. I felt as though I was sharing a secret with my own Country, how many people were lucky enough to discover this rarest of treasures. Beautiful British Columbia; the epicentre of its beauty lies within its mountain ranges, tall forests, and lakes that are found scattered across its land such as this one. Garibaldi Mountain is a Provincial Park located just outside of Whistler, Canada. A Canadian’s connection to the outdoors is what makes them a proud member of its unique heritage and culture, I could not have been more in awe of my own country than I was standing there. Rounding the corner I ate my peanut butter and jelly sandwich (that tasted like Lobster and Caviar to my grumbling stomach) as audience to the astounding glacier. That was until the clouds over my head began to darken and thrust the entire contents of the ocean atop my head. The torrential downpour came instantaneously and out of nowhere. I ran for cover into the nearest cave, a choice I learned to later regret. It stank of mold and I could hear the unpleasant sound of rats scurrying around my feet in the deserted cave. Soaked but settled I ate my dinner and tried to get a blink of sleep. I awoke what seemed like hours later but must have only been minutes as the cave was still pitch black. Again I raised my head only to find darkness. The third time I awoke I knew something was wrong, the sun should have come up by than. It was then that I sat down in this same spot that I am now still writing the days events in this journal, staring at the impermeable wall of rocks that had once been my entrance. It must have fallen during the night trapping me with the rats inside. I have tried my cell phone, even searched for another exit, but have come up with nothing. Three hours go by and I am still sitting here. Ten Hours, and I try to yell to get someone-anyones attention. A day? Definitely two by now and I'm slowly running out of the food I brought. Maybe three? Okay officially out of food and water. This can not be how I die. I love you mom. I love you dad. These words repeat again and again in my head forming a mantra. I have so much left to do I thought aloud, places I wanted to see, people I should get the chance to meet, someone I have to marry. It was by chance the rain started that day, bad luck that caused the rocks to crash down, and now devastation that is seeping in my cold joints as I come to the realization there is no way out. Five days now. Six. Seven.

  • Explore150 photoSpot Snapshot/ mtnexplorer/ Feb 26, 2015
  • Black Tusk
    guestBook Guestbook/ mtnexplorer/ Feb 26, 2015 Black Tusk

    The view of Garibaldi Lake from atop the Black Tusk is amazing!

  • Canada's Beauty
    guestBook Guestbook/ stripypolkadot/ Feb 26, 2015 Canada\'s Beauty

    This is a picture of Garibaldi Lake in BC's wilderness. It relates to my identity as a Canadian because it makes me thankful to have such beauty. This picture makes me realize that we as Canadians are fortunate to have such picturesque landscapes across the country; and it makes me proud to be Canadian and to call such supernatural scenery my home.

  • Snowshoeing Garibaldi Lake
    guestBook Guestbook/ sjohnston/ Feb 23, 2015 Snowshoeing Garibaldi Lake

    Exploring Squamish, B.C. is one of the most rewarding experiences. The snow covered mountains that glisten in the winter sun are humbling. They never cease to inspire me. This photo was taken on a two-night camping trip at Garibaldi Lake in which we were graced with bluejay skies, starry nights, awe inspiring scenery and lasting memories.

  • 3 Hours Later
    guestBook Guestbook/ RobynneShannon/ Feb 23, 2015 3 Hours Later

    Garibaldi Lake is a popular hiking destination that Vancouverites can accomplish in a day. It is also a hike that opens up into Garibaldi Provincial Park and the sites within. Making the long uphill trek worth the spectacular alpine views. Growing up along the coast, in Vancouver, with the ocean and the mountains so accessible, many days were spent within the mountains and valleys up and down British Columbia. Seeing the power of nature and the stature of the mountains really puts life into perspective. Being amongst the natural giants, seeing how majestic they are and the power that they hold, without fail, always inspires me. Forgetting about everything else that being in the city makes me worry about, the mountains allow myself to escape, to be in my real life happy place. To be inspired, awed, and rejuvenated just by being in the outdoors.

  • Explore150 photoSpot Snapshot/ JessicaTortora/ Nov 20, 2014
Garibaldi Lake

Garibaldi Lake

Site Info
Discovery Quest

How long a drive is Garibaldi Lake from Vancouver?

2 hr 15 min 1hr 45 min 3 hr 15 min 2 hr 45 min
  • summer when i was 18
    guestBook Guestbook/ rick8822/ Aug 9, 2017

    Visited this lake many years ago when I drove across Canada to spend the summer in Creekside at the bottom of Whistler mountain. The water is crystal clear and the very cold. Hiked the paths for hours so nice.

  • Spectacular!
    guestBook Guestbook/ hongkonghuige/ Sep 7, 2015

    Wow! The water is even more turquoise than in pictures! My favorite part was when we took a small break in a meadow covered in flowers, overlooking the lake and snowy mountains. It was beautiful, would definitely go again.

  • cold
    guestBook Guestbook/ camper-ohooper/ Jul 6, 2015

    The lake is very cold
    But the food is.good

  • A Whisper in The Rock
    guestBook Guestbook/ breray/ Mar 13, 2015 A Whisper in The Rock

    A bead of sweat had begun to pool near my hairline, growing in size it started to slide down my cheek leaving a wet trail amidst my freckles and dry parched skin as it went; alike the lines drawn of where someone has been on a map. Funny how a face can tell a story just as easily as a word, a picture, or a map can depict one. As the drop reached my upper lip I tasted the salt but didn't care enough at the time to swipe it away. My senses were on high alert, every inch of me was buzzing with the sensation of the looming forest above me and alluring nature that enveloped me on all sides. Aware of the moist shirt under my backpack, the ache of my calves, and the sound of my teeth grinding together as I grimaced with each step from the newly formed blister across my heel I trudged onward. Scents of pine needles and dirt intermingled with sweet fresh air reached my nose, my lungs had never felt so alive as they did in that moment. The branches hung above me drooped inwards from all the rain making me feel like royalty walking beneath their arched tips. The gruelling four hour hike was almost at its end; I reached the transparent aqua lake and was awarded with the most magnificent sight. Upon seeing one of British Columbia’s unique specialties I had thought to myself how lucky I was to call this my home. I felt as though I was sharing a secret with my own Country, how many people were lucky enough to discover this rarest of treasures. Beautiful British Columbia; the epicentre of its beauty lies within its mountain ranges, tall forests, and lakes that are found scattered across its land such as this one. Garibaldi Mountain is a Provincial Park located just outside of Whistler, Canada. A Canadian’s connection to the outdoors is what makes them a proud member of its unique heritage and culture, I could not have been more in awe of my own country than I was standing there. Rounding the corner I ate my peanut butter and jelly sandwich (that tasted like Lobster and Caviar to my grumbling stomach) as audience to the astounding glacier. That was until the clouds over my head began to darken and thrust the entire contents of the ocean atop my head. The torrential downpour came instantaneously and out of nowhere. I ran for cover into the nearest cave, a choice I learned to later regret. It stank of mold and I could hear the unpleasant sound of rats scurrying around my feet in the deserted cave. Soaked but settled I ate my dinner and tried to get a blink of sleep. I awoke what seemed like hours later but must have only been minutes as the cave was still pitch black. Again I raised my head only to find darkness. The third time I awoke I knew something was wrong, the sun should have come up by than. It was then that I sat down in this same spot that I am now still writing the days events in this journal, staring at the impermeable wall of rocks that had once been my entrance. It must have fallen during the night trapping me with the rats inside. I have tried my cell phone, even searched for another exit, but have come up with nothing. Three hours go by and I am still sitting here. Ten Hours, and I try to yell to get someone-anyones attention. A day? Definitely two by now and I'm slowly running out of the food I brought. Maybe three? Okay officially out of food and water. This can not be how I die. I love you mom. I love you dad. These words repeat again and again in my head forming a mantra. I have so much left to do I thought aloud, places I wanted to see, people I should get the chance to meet, someone I have to marry. It was by chance the rain started that day, bad luck that caused the rocks to crash down, and now devastation that is seeping in my cold joints as I come to the realization there is no way out. Five days now. Six. Seven.

  • Explore150 photoSpot Snapshot/ mtnexplorer/ Feb 26, 2015
  • Black Tusk
    guestBook Guestbook/ mtnexplorer/ Feb 26, 2015 Black Tusk

    The view of Garibaldi Lake from atop the Black Tusk is amazing!

  • Canada\'s Beauty
    guestBook Guestbook/ stripypolkadot/ Feb 26, 2015 Canada\'s Beauty

    This is a picture of Garibaldi Lake in BC's wilderness. It relates to my identity as a Canadian because it makes me thankful to have such beauty. This picture makes me realize that we as Canadians are fortunate to have such picturesque landscapes across the country; and it makes me proud to be Canadian and to call such supernatural scenery my home.

  • Snowshoeing Garibaldi Lake
    guestBook Guestbook/ sjohnston/ Feb 23, 2015 Snowshoeing Garibaldi Lake

    Exploring Squamish, B.C. is one of the most rewarding experiences. The snow covered mountains that glisten in the winter sun are humbling. They never cease to inspire me. This photo was taken on a two-night camping trip at Garibaldi Lake in which we were graced with bluejay skies, starry nights, awe inspiring scenery and lasting memories.

  • 3 Hours Later
    guestBook Guestbook/ RobynneShannon/ Feb 23, 2015 3 Hours Later

    Garibaldi Lake is a popular hiking destination that Vancouverites can accomplish in a day. It is also a hike that opens up into Garibaldi Provincial Park and the sites within. Making the long uphill trek worth the spectacular alpine views. Growing up along the coast, in Vancouver, with the ocean and the mountains so accessible, many days were spent within the mountains and valleys up and down British Columbia. Seeing the power of nature and the stature of the mountains really puts life into perspective. Being amongst the natural giants, seeing how majestic they are and the power that they hold, without fail, always inspires me. Forgetting about everything else that being in the city makes me worry about, the mountains allow myself to escape, to be in my real life happy place. To be inspired, awed, and rejuvenated just by being in the outdoors.

  • Explore150 photoSpot Snapshot/ JessicaTortora/ Nov 20, 2014

Garibaldi Lake is a turquoise-coloured alpine lake in British Columbia, Canada, located 37 km (23 mi) north of Squamish and 19 km (12 mi) south of Whistler. The lake lies within Garibaldi Provincial Park, which features mountains, glaciers, trails, forests, flowers, meadows, waterfalls. The park is a wildlife protected area. The trails in the area are promoted as being among the most beautiful on earth.

Garibaldi Lake Squamish-Lillooet D, Squamish, British Columbia
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Photo: Photography from Wikipedia. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.