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Kingston General Hospital

Kingston General Hospital

76 Stuart St, Kingston, Ontario
(613) 549-6666

A complex of limestone buildings, built between 1833 and 1924, set in a campus of more recent hospital buildings; the oldest public hospital in Canada still in operation, with facilities illustrative of health care in Canada in the 19th and 20th centuries

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  • A wonderful hospital in the heart of Kingston
    guestBook Guestbook/ alightstone/ Apr 9, 2017

    This hospital has provided my mother with excellent care. All the nurses and doctors are do attentive and kind.

  • The Student
    guestBook Guestbook/ Nursingstudent/ Feb 16, 2015

    KGH will always hold a special pace in my heart. This is where I did many of my placements as a nursing student. I will never forget the hundreds of hours put in to research and patient care. I will also never forget many of my patients that I had as a student many I saw on the worst days of their lives and at the same time they were able to teach me so many lessons that I needed to learn to become a nurse and a better human. Many were able to keep me on my toes and put a smile on my face as I did for them.

Kingston General Hospital

Kingston General Hospital

Site Info
Discovery Quest

What is hospital made of?

Brick Metal Limestone Mud
  • A wonderful hospital in the heart of Kingston
    guestBook Guestbook/ alightstone/ Apr 9, 2017

    This hospital has provided my mother with excellent care. All the nurses and doctors are do attentive and kind.

  • The Student
    guestBook Guestbook/ Nursingstudent/ Feb 16, 2015

    KGH will always hold a special pace in my heart. This is where I did many of my placements as a nursing student. I will never forget the hundreds of hours put in to research and patient care. I will also never forget many of my patients that I had as a student many I saw on the worst days of their lives and at the same time they were able to teach me so many lessons that I needed to learn to become a nurse and a better human. Many were able to keep me on my toes and put a smile on my face as I did for them.

A complex of limestone buildings, built between 1833 and 1924, set in a campus of more recent hospital buildings; the oldest public hospital in Canada still in operation, with facilities illustrative of health care in Canada in the 19th and 20th centuries

76 Stuart St, Kingston, Ontario
(613) 549-6666
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