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La Mauricie National Park

La Mauricie National Park

Saint-Mathieu-du-Parc, G0X 1N0, Shawinigan, Quebec

La Mauricie National Park is located in the Laurentian mountains in the Mauricie region of Québec, Canada. It covers 536 km2 (207 sq mi) in the southern Canadian Shield region bordering the Saint Lawrence lowlands. The park contains 150 lakes and many ponds. The park lies within the Eastern forest-boreal transition ecoregion. The forests in this region were logged from the middle of the 19th century to the early 20th century. The park's forests have regrown and contain a mixture of conifers and mixed deciduous trees. Wildlife in the park includes moose, black bears, beavers and otters. It supports a small number of wood turtles, rare in Canada. The park is a popular location for camping, canoeing and kayaking.

Photo Credit: Photograph from Wikimedia Commons, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.

Text Credit: Description adaptée à partir du contenu publié sur Wikipédia utilisé en vertu d'une licence de paternité-partage des conditions initiales à l'identique (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License).

  • Explore150 photoSpot Snapshot/ alina1/ Jun 8, 2017
  • Camping au parc de la Mauricie
    guestBook Guestbook/ philou/ Apr 4, 2014

    Je suis allé faire du camping l'an passé et c'etait vraiment très beau ! La pluie que nius avions reçu durant la journée nous a permis de voir des salamandres en soirée, à cause de l'humidité. Nous devons à tout prix protéger ces endroits si magnifique.

La Mauricie National Park

La Mauricie National Park

Site Info
Discovery Quest

Which river flows to the east of the park?

St. Maurice River Matawin River Lazy River
  • Explore150 photoSpot Snapshot/ alina1/ Jun 8, 2017
  • Camping au parc de la Mauricie
    guestBook Guestbook/ philou/ Apr 4, 2014

    Je suis allé faire du camping l'an passé et c'etait vraiment très beau ! La pluie que nius avions reçu durant la journée nous a permis de voir des salamandres en soirée, à cause de l'humidité. Nous devons à tout prix protéger ces endroits si magnifique.

La Mauricie National Park is located in the Laurentian mountains in the Mauricie region of Québec, Canada. It covers 536 km2 (207 sq mi) in the southern Canadian Shield region bordering the Saint Lawrence lowlands. The park contains 150 lakes and many ponds. The park lies within the Eastern forest-boreal transition ecoregion. The forests in this region were logged from the middle of the 19th century to the early 20th century. The park's forests have regrown and contain a mixture of conifers and mixed deciduous trees. Wildlife in the park includes moose, black bears, beavers and otters. It supports a small number of wood turtles, rare in Canada. The park is a popular location for camping, canoeing and kayaking.

Saint-Mathieu-du-Parc, G0X 1N0, Shawinigan, Quebec
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Photo: Photograph from Wikimedia Commons, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.