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Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site

Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site

St. Andrews, Manitoba
May 15 to June 30 Every day 9:30 am to 5 pm (limited service on weekends) July 1 to September 4 Every day 9:30 am to 5 pm; 15 mai au 30 juin Tous les jours De 9 h 30 à 17 h (services limités les fins de semaine) 1er juillet au 4 septembre Tous les jours De 9 h 30 à 17 h

Lower Fort Garry was built in 1830 by the Hudson's Bay Company on the western bank of the Red River, 20 mi (32 km) north of the original Fort Garry, which is now in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Treaty 1 was signed there. A devastating flood destroyed Fort Garry in 1826, prompting the company's then governor, George Simpson, to search for a safer location down river. Governor Simpson chose the site of Lower Fort Garry because of its high ground and location below the St. Andrew's Rapids, eliminating a time-consuming portage of heavy fur packs and York boats. However, the fort never became the administrative centre it was intended, since most of the population of the area was centred near The Forks and objected to the extra travel required to do business at the new fort. As a result, Upper Fort Garry was rebuilt in stone at The Forks, very near the original Fort Garry site.

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Text Credit: Content from Wikipedia, used under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

  • Significance
    guestBook Guestbook/ edamatawiens/ Aug 29, 2017

    I love Lower Fort Garry because I volunteered there during the summer and Halloween Fright at the Fort program! It holds a special place in my heart, and I think it's a place worth stopping at if you're in town.

  • Explore150 photoSpot Snapshot/ KatieWilliams/ Jul 5, 2017
  • Great Experience!
    guestBook Guestbook/ emilyardebol/ Sep 25, 2016

    Heading out to Fort Garry had been such an eye opening experience, allowing me to learn new ways of life that was used throughout that period of history thats relevant to Canada. I encourage everyone to visit!

  • Four Reasons
    guestBook Guestbook/ KatieWilliams/ Jul 25, 2016

    I'm very lucky... I've worked here! I know LFG is significant because of the signing of Treaty Number One, its use as a training ground for the North West Mounted Police (later the RCMP), its role in the fur trade as a transhipment depot, and for its fine collection of stone walls and buildings.

    However, I think this place is most significant to Canada, because of its people. Every summer dozens of people flood the site in historic costume. Some take characters that existed in 1851, the year of interpretation, while others create composite characters who would have fit right in. The interpreters are some of the best in the business (I've travelled most of Canada's historic sites and many around the world) and they truly love what they do, and the place they do it.

  • significance
    guestBook Guestbook/ potterhead/ Dec 3, 2014

    The reason that it's so significant is because of all the history it holds. There is so much history held there, that anyone who loves history or is interested will for sure have a really good time there.

Discovery Quest Discovery Quest

Lower Fort Garry was used by the Hudson's Bay Company, which dealt in:

Wood exports Wheats and grains Furs Precious minerals and stones
Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site

Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site

Site Info
Discovery Quest

Lower Fort Garry was used by the Hudson's Bay Company, which dealt in:

Wood exports Wheats and grains Furs Precious minerals and stones
  • Significance
    guestBook Guestbook/ edamatawiens/ Aug 29, 2017

    I love Lower Fort Garry because I volunteered there during the summer and Halloween Fright at the Fort program! It holds a special place in my heart, and I think it's a place worth stopping at if you're in town.

  • Explore150 photoSpot Snapshot/ KatieWilliams/ Jul 5, 2017
  • Great Experience!
    guestBook Guestbook/ emilyardebol/ Sep 25, 2016

    Heading out to Fort Garry had been such an eye opening experience, allowing me to learn new ways of life that was used throughout that period of history thats relevant to Canada. I encourage everyone to visit!

  • Four Reasons
    guestBook Guestbook/ KatieWilliams/ Jul 25, 2016

    I'm very lucky... I've worked here! I know LFG is significant because of the signing of Treaty Number One, its use as a training ground for the North West Mounted Police (later the RCMP), its role in the fur trade as a transhipment depot, and for its fine collection of stone walls and buildings.

    However, I think this place is most significant to Canada, because of its people. Every summer dozens of people flood the site in historic costume. Some take characters that existed in 1851, the year of interpretation, while others create composite characters who would have fit right in. The interpreters are some of the best in the business (I've travelled most of Canada's historic sites and many around the world) and they truly love what they do, and the place they do it.

  • significance
    guestBook Guestbook/ potterhead/ Dec 3, 2014

    The reason that it's so significant is because of all the history it holds. There is so much history held there, that anyone who loves history or is interested will for sure have a really good time there.

Lower Fort Garry was built in 1830 by the Hudson's Bay Company on the western bank of the Red River, 20 mi (32 km) north of the original Fort Garry, which is now in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Treaty 1 was signed there. A devastating flood destroyed Fort Garry in 1826, prompting the company's then governor, George Simpson, to search for a safer location down river. Governor Simpson chose the site of Lower Fort Garry because of its high ground and location below the St. Andrew's Rapids, eliminating a time-consuming portage of heavy fur packs and York boats. However, the fort never became the administrative centre it was intended, since most of the population of the area was centred near The Forks and objected to the extra travel required to do business at the new fort. As a result, Upper Fort Garry was rebuilt in stone at The Forks, very near the original Fort Garry site.

St. Andrews, Manitoba
May 15 to June 30 Every day 9:30 am to 5 pm (limited service on weekends) July 1 to September 4 Every day 9:30 am to 5 pm; 15 mai au 30 juin Tous les jours De 9 h 30 à 17 h (services limités les fins de semaine) 1er juillet au 4 septembre Tous les jours De 9 h 30 à 17 h
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Photo: Photograph from: