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Montreal Insectarium

Montreal Insectarium

4581 Rue Sherbrooke Est, Montreal, QC H1X 2B2, Montréal-Est, Quebec

The Montreal Insectarium is the largest museum of insects in North America. It is home to over 250 000 living and naturalized specimens. Come and see the Atta ants as they carry pieces of leaves back to their nest or, better yet, hold a giant walking stick!

Photo Credit: We Are the Insects exhibit. Photo by Étienne Boucher Cazabon

Text Credit: Site description from Espace pour la vie Montréal, used under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.

  • Insects everywhere!
    guestBook Guestbook/ yamaneko/ Apr 13, 2017

    If you are curious about insects, and even spiders, this is the spot to learn all about them, in a replica of their natural habitat.

  • beau site
    guestBook Guestbook/ funt/ Dec 20, 2013

    c est un beau site a visiter pour voir les diferents types de oiseaux

  • ok
    guestBook Guestbook/ gfdh/ Dec 11, 2013


  • Nothing more fascinating
    guestBook Guestbook/ Explore150 Team/ Nov 28, 2013

    To me, there is nothing more fascinating than the insect world! Before I held a live stick insect for the first time, I knew insects were interesting yet I was still scared of them. Learning more about their biology and adaptations has changed the way I think about them. You simply feel better when you stop being scared of insects!

    À mon avis, il n'y a rien de plus fascinant que le monde des insectes! Même si les insectes m'intéressaient beaucoup, j'ai toujours eu un peu peur d'eux. Tout cela a changé lorsque j'ai tenu un insecte bâton dans mes mains pour la première fois. La vie est plus simple lorsqu'on arrête d'avoir peur des insectes!

  • Un musée qui pique la curiosité!
    guestBook Guestbook/ lh_julien/ Nov 19, 2013

    À chaque fois que je retourne à l'Insectarium de Montréal, je suis toujours émerveillé par tant de beauté: les couleurs métalliques de certains papillons et scarabées en sont un exemple. Je suis aussi fasciné de voir à quel point les insectes sont utiles dans nos vies!

Discovery Quest Discovery Quest

Arthropods are a group of animals that have an exoskeleton, a segmented body and articulated legs. Which are the following belong to the group of arthropods?

Spiders and other arachnids Insects Millipedes, centipedes and other Myriapodes All of the above Crustaceans
Montreal Insectarium

Montreal Insectarium

Site Info
Discovery Quest

Arthropods are a group of animals that have an exoskeleton, a segmented body and articulated legs. Which are the following belong to the group of arthropods?

Spiders and other arachnids Insects Millipedes, centipedes and other Myriapodes All of the above Crustaceans
  • Insects everywhere!
    guestBook Guestbook/ yamaneko/ Apr 13, 2017

    If you are curious about insects, and even spiders, this is the spot to learn all about them, in a replica of their natural habitat.

  • beau site
    guestBook Guestbook/ funt/ Dec 20, 2013

    c est un beau site a visiter pour voir les diferents types de oiseaux

  • ok
    guestBook Guestbook/ gfdh/ Dec 11, 2013


  • Nothing more fascinating
    guestBook Guestbook/ Explore150 Team/ Nov 28, 2013

    To me, there is nothing more fascinating than the insect world! Before I held a live stick insect for the first time, I knew insects were interesting yet I was still scared of them. Learning more about their biology and adaptations has changed the way I think about them. You simply feel better when you stop being scared of insects!

    À mon avis, il n'y a rien de plus fascinant que le monde des insectes! Même si les insectes m'intéressaient beaucoup, j'ai toujours eu un peu peur d'eux. Tout cela a changé lorsque j'ai tenu un insecte bâton dans mes mains pour la première fois. La vie est plus simple lorsqu'on arrête d'avoir peur des insectes!

  • Un musée qui pique la curiosité!
    guestBook Guestbook/ lh_julien/ Nov 19, 2013

    À chaque fois que je retourne à l'Insectarium de Montréal, je suis toujours émerveillé par tant de beauté: les couleurs métalliques de certains papillons et scarabées en sont un exemple. Je suis aussi fasciné de voir à quel point les insectes sont utiles dans nos vies!

The Montreal Insectarium is the largest museum of insects in North America. It is home to over 250 000 living and naturalized specimens. Come and see the Atta ants as they carry pieces of leaves back to their nest or, better yet, hold a giant walking stick!

4581 Rue Sherbrooke Est, Montreal, QC H1X 2B2, Montréal-Est, Quebec
  Earn 10 points!

Photo: We Are the Insects exhibit. Photo by Étienne Boucher Cazabon