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Pacific Spirit Regional Park

Pacific Spirit Regional Park

16th Avenue and Blanca Street, Vancouver, British Columbia

Comprising over seven hundred acres of land, the Pacific Spirit Regional Park located in Point Grey, Vancouver - sandwiched between the University of British Columbia Campus to the west and the residential area to the east - is a ecological paradise encompassing hundreds of plants and animals and truly, the spirit of the West Coast in its towering trees and rain scented aroma. Historically tied to the Musqueam nation that still lives south of the area, the Park was designated as such in 1975 to protect the area for encroachment and development as well to provide a place protecting some of the region's most interesting natural phenomena such as Camosun Bog, a twelve thousand year old relic from the last glacial period. This beautiful temperate rain forest park offers fifty-four kilometres of low impact trails and vast tracts of oceanside cliff edges, an unforgettable West Coast experience.

Photo Credit: Image from

Text Credit: Content from

  • Walking Dogs
    guestBook Guestbook/ juliajachi/ Jun 14, 2017

    The perfect place for walking dogs! This dog friendly park is filled with many paths to take your furry friends.

  • Explore150 photoSpot Snapshot/ kanalister/ Feb 26, 2015
  • Camosun Bog
    guestBook Guestbook/ Explore150 Team/ Nov 20, 2013

    I regularly go running along the trails in Pacific Spirit and the views are breathtaking - I love running through forest and along the ocean instead of on a sidewalk. However, it was Camosun Bog and the Crazy Boggers that really inspired me to learn more about the Musqueam people and my own heritage, and also inspired me to spend more time enjoying nature in the great outdoors!

    Je fais régulièrement du jogging dans les sentiers du parc. La vue est à couper le souffle. J’adore courir dans la forêt et le long de l’océan plutôt que sur un trottoir. Par contre, ce sont Camosun Bog et les Crazy Boggers qui m’ont réellement inspirée à en apprendre davantage sur le peuple Musqueam et sur mon propre patrimoine, et qui m’ont donné envie de passer plus de temps à profiter de la nature!

Discovery Quest Discovery Quest

Musqueam Elders warned children to stay away from the bog through stories of a mystical two-headed creature:

s'eelhqey/s?i:lqǝý The Trickster mǝqwe:m The Thunderbird
Pacific Spirit Regional Park

Pacific Spirit Regional Park

Site Info
Discovery Quest

Musqueam Elders warned children to stay away from the bog through stories of a mystical two-headed creature:

s'eelhqey/s?i:lqǝý The Trickster mǝqwe:m The Thunderbird
  • Walking Dogs
    guestBook Guestbook/ juliajachi/ Jun 14, 2017

    The perfect place for walking dogs! This dog friendly park is filled with many paths to take your furry friends.

  • Explore150 photoSpot Snapshot/ kanalister/ Feb 26, 2015
  • Camosun Bog
    guestBook Guestbook/ Explore150 Team/ Nov 20, 2013

    I regularly go running along the trails in Pacific Spirit and the views are breathtaking - I love running through forest and along the ocean instead of on a sidewalk. However, it was Camosun Bog and the Crazy Boggers that really inspired me to learn more about the Musqueam people and my own heritage, and also inspired me to spend more time enjoying nature in the great outdoors!

    Je fais régulièrement du jogging dans les sentiers du parc. La vue est à couper le souffle. J’adore courir dans la forêt et le long de l’océan plutôt que sur un trottoir. Par contre, ce sont Camosun Bog et les Crazy Boggers qui m’ont réellement inspirée à en apprendre davantage sur le peuple Musqueam et sur mon propre patrimoine, et qui m’ont donné envie de passer plus de temps à profiter de la nature!

Comprising over seven hundred acres of land, the Pacific Spirit Regional Park located in Point Grey, Vancouver - sandwiched between the University of British Columbia Campus to the west and the residential area to the east - is a ecological paradise encompassing hundreds of plants and animals and truly, the spirit of the West Coast in its towering trees and rain scented aroma. Historically tied to the Musqueam nation that still lives south of the area, the Park was designated as such in 1975 to protect the area for encroachment and development as well to provide a place protecting some of the region's most interesting natural phenomena such as Camosun Bog, a twelve thousand year old relic from the last glacial period. This beautiful temperate rain forest park offers fifty-four kilometres of low impact trails and vast tracts of oceanside cliff edges, an unforgettable West Coast experience.

16th Avenue and Blanca Street, Vancouver, British Columbia
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Photo: Image from