Mickayla Worsley

Mickayla Worsley

 Elmira, Ontario

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  • Digital Storytelling Contest
    Digital Storytelling Contest
    Guelph Hillside Music Festival - Parental Love guestBook Guestbook   Feb 25, 2015

    This photo was taken at Hillside Music Festival of a father and child sharing a new experience. This child came to the music festival, and it is part of their passion and culture. Music in general is a part of many Canadian cultures, and it also is a huge part of my own personal identity. I relate to music on so many levels, and the fact that so many people relate and have music help to health and sooth them in their lives is astounding. This festival has made me proud to be Canadian because of the friendliness of every single person there, and the respect given to the earth and to equality for all attending people at the festival. I feel like I belong at the heart of activity and music. This is the place that helps me connect to my country, culture and identity.

  • Toronto
    A silent moment in a busy city guestBook Guestbook   Feb 25, 2015

    The city is so busy usually, and in this peaceful moment I got the chance to pause and experience the beauty and peace. I live a busy life, like the downtown heart of Toronto. Constantly moving, and experiencing life to the fullest I can. This photo helps to represent the peace and beauty I find in everyday life when I get a chance to sit down and reflect on my life, and the day that has just passed. I go to a busy place to get inspired, for art, photography, ideas and many other things. I feel like this photo represents my connection with my country because I can reflect on this photo to view my life and the experiences I have had.

Mickayla Worsley

Mickayla Worsley

 Elmira, Ontario
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  • Digital Storytelling Contest
    Digital Storytelling Contest
    Guelph Hillside Music Festival - Parental Love guestBook Guestbook   Feb 25, 2015

    This photo was taken at Hillside Music Festival of a father and child sharing a new experience. This child came to the music festival, and it is part of their passion and culture. Music in general is a part of many Canadian cultures, and it also is a huge part of my own personal identity. I relate to music on so many levels, and the fact that so many people relate and have music help to health and sooth them in their lives is astounding. This festival has made me proud to be Canadian because of the friendliness of every single person there, and the respect given to the earth and to equality for all attending people at the festival. I feel like I belong at the heart of activity and music. This is the place that helps me connect to my country, culture and identity.

  • Toronto
    A silent moment in a busy city guestBook Guestbook   Feb 25, 2015

    The city is so busy usually, and in this peaceful moment I got the chance to pause and experience the beauty and peace. I live a busy life, like the downtown heart of Toronto. Constantly moving, and experiencing life to the fullest I can. This photo helps to represent the peace and beauty I find in everyday life when I get a chance to sit down and reflect on my life, and the day that has just passed. I go to a busy place to get inspired, for art, photography, ideas and many other things. I feel like this photo represents my connection with my country because I can reflect on this photo to view my life and the experiences I have had.