Harriet Smith

Harriet Smith

 Okotoks, Alberta

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    February 7, 2018
  • Places of Change Contest
    Places of Change Contest
    guestBook Guestbook Cape Breton - Reflecting on the Past

    This photo, taken by a bay in Cape Breton, symbolizes Canada to me. Not only does it show the beautiful sky that people have come to expect from Canada, it also shows off the diversity in the environment of the country. This image depicts a sprawling, dense forest, meeting a bay, creating a sort of border around this piece of the ocean. However, what I really think represents Canada, in this image, is that the ocean reflects the sky. In Canada, we always pride ourselves on looking back at past mistakes, and trying hard to rectify them. As a country, we work hard to learn from the past and ensure that we do not make those mistakes again. By comparing who we were then, and who we are now, we grow as a nation in the right direction. We use our reflection to learn and grow and diversify, and if we continue in that way, then we will be as infinite as the sky in this picture.

Harriet Smith

Harriet Smith

 Okotoks, Alberta
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    February 7, 2018
  • Places of Change Contest
    Places of Change Contest
    guestBook Guestbook Cape Breton - Reflecting on the Past

    This photo, taken by a bay in Cape Breton, symbolizes Canada to me. Not only does it show the beautiful sky that people have come to expect from Canada, it also shows off the diversity in the environment of the country. This image depicts a sprawling, dense forest, meeting a bay, creating a sort of border around this piece of the ocean. However, what I really think represents Canada, in this image, is that the ocean reflects the sky. In Canada, we always pride ourselves on looking back at past mistakes, and trying hard to rectify them. As a country, we work hard to learn from the past and ensure that we do not make those mistakes again. By comparing who we were then, and who we are now, we grow as a nation in the right direction. We use our reflection to learn and grow and diversify, and if we continue in that way, then we will be as infinite as the sky in this picture.