![Erin Edward](http://avatar.tigweb.org/1449503/128?default=/images/programs/explore/profile/profileAvatar.png)
Erin Edward
Richmond Hill, Ontario-
Digital Storytelling Contest
Killarney Provincial Park - August SkyGuestbook Mar 17, 2015
Canada is known for its natural beauty. People come from all over the world to marvel at our mountains and our lakes, yet sometimes it seems we Canadians don’t take enough time to enjoy it. Living in a city, it’s easy to forget what true beauty we have just around the corner. I’ve camped a few times now in Killarney Park and it has become one of my favourite destinations for a summer weekend away. Near Sudbury, Killarney is only one example of the beauty our country possesses. Moments such as the one captured in this picture should be experienced by every Canadian. Witnessing the calm perfection of nature and being a part of it is a unique opportunity we have in this land. It brings peace of mind and soul. I feel so proud that we value and protect places like this, not only for their beauty but for their importance to the environment. Sitting in a canoe looking at a perfect reflection of the sky, you can’t help but think of where we came from and what lays ahead for us. But the beauty remains.