David McAdam

David McAdam

 Toronto, Ontario

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    December 13, 2014
  • Ottawa City Hall
    Ottawa City Hall
    guestBook Guestbook A new Canadian flag - A new flag - an old message to the world

    I am inspired by the Canadian flag as a symbol throughout the world. However, I don't like the colour scheme of the present Canadian flag. I feel red is too dramatic and associated with hot-bloodedness and aggression.
    I feel it's the colour of blood and there's too much of that spilled and visible throughout the world.
    I liked when Canada was associated with being cool and calm - a peace-maker
    My 'çool' choice of colours for the Canadian flag are blue borders with a green maple leaf.
    The realistic blue oceans east and west and a living green leaf not a dying red one.

David McAdam

David McAdam

 Toronto, Ontario
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    December 13, 2014
  • Ottawa City Hall
    Ottawa City Hall
    guestBook Guestbook A new Canadian flag - A new flag - an old message to the world

    I am inspired by the Canadian flag as a symbol throughout the world. However, I don't like the colour scheme of the present Canadian flag. I feel red is too dramatic and associated with hot-bloodedness and aggression.
    I feel it's the colour of blood and there's too much of that spilled and visible throughout the world.
    I liked when Canada was associated with being cool and calm - a peace-maker
    My 'çool' choice of colours for the Canadian flag are blue borders with a green maple leaf.
    The realistic blue oceans east and west and a living green leaf not a dying red one.