rayan abdelrahman
London, Ontario-
Dinosaur Provincial Park
Walking Amongst Dinosaurs Guestbook Nov 21, 2014During our time in Alberta, we heard it was the land of dinosaurs, where dinosaurs lived and roamed. Well good thing we were in Alberta, because we went to see the land of dinosaurs, and I tell you, it was different than seeing grizzly bears up on the Rocky Mountains. We got to see the different bones of the different species of dinosaurs, which helped us visualize the everyday life of a dinosaur back in the Jurassic era, and see the different predators and their preys.
Royal Tyrrell Museum
Night of the Museum: My Way Guestbook Nov 21, 2014While in Alberta, after hearing about Alberta being the land of the dinosaurs, we went to visit them where they are.......the Royal Tyrrell Museum. We got to see them, as they were in the Jurassic era, standing tall and proud. We got to even read about them, as if they roamed the earth that very day. It was a good feeling knowing that i was able to know the history of Alberta itself, just by looking at their bones, and structures. It made me know that we humans weren't alone on planet earth billions and billions of years ago.
Atlas Coal Mine Museum
The Atlas Coal Mine: The Experience Guestbook Nov 21, 2014What i think was most memorable was the fact that we got to walk the steps that coal miners of the 1900's walked. It was like working there; it was so real and right in front of us, the only difference is the time period. We got to really see the hard work these men went through to get us to where we were today. It was really fun how everything was the way it is, as if we were the ones who went back in time.
Digital Storytelling Contest
Calgary Heritage Park - The Wild Wild West Guestbook Nov 21, 2014It was a place worth seeing and experiencing. It was better to finally see what things were like first hand then from a textbook and the stories of our teachers. It was really nice to finally have a break form the modern world and step back into the past, to see how we came to the place we came to today, how we evolved in the last 150 years or so.