![Catherine Matte](http://avatar.tigweb.org/1486261/128?default=/images/programs/explore/profile/profileAvatar.png)
Catherine Matte
Gatineau, Quebec-
Jacques-Cartier Park
Guestbook More than just a festival location
JAcques-Cartier Park is well known for hosting activities and festivals like Canada Day in the summer and Winterlude in the winter. But it is also a beautiful park for picnics and to bicycle along the river.
Parliament Hill
Guestbook The sound wall is so cool!
Parliament Hill is indeed the biggest attraction in Ottawa! It is not to be missed! Outside, you can appreciate a beautiful building, on a beautiful site by the Ottawa River. Don't miss the sound wall.
Alexandra Bridge
Guestbook Beautiful views
Alexandra Bridge is a little adventure not to be miss! It takes about 20 minutes to cross it, with one of the most beautiful views of Ottawa-Gatineau. You have a beautiful screenshot of Parliament on one side, and on the Gatineau side, you have the Museum of Civilization.
Canada Agriculture and Food Museum
Guestbook Festivals
I like the Agricultural Farm. I love going to events such as the Bacon Festival or Ice Cream Festival. Also, I like the cows.