An outport fishing community on Fogo Island; illustrative of the adaptation of Irish settlement patterns to Newfoundland, and a rare surviving example of mid-18th century landscape components
Photo: Photograph by HFNL/Robert Mellin, 2005.
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As part of the SHAD program, a group of 56 wonderful individuals from all parts of the country gathered together at Newfoundland's Memorial University for a month. On one weekend trip, we were invited to take a trek to the beautiful Fogo Island, Newfoundland's hidden treasure. Mayor Andrew Shea was so kind enough to give us a tour of the town of Tilting and we were fortunate enough to learn about the historical background of the area. Fogo was such an immaculately beautiful town and if I ever have the chance to return, I would do it on my first opportunity.
An outport fishing community on Fogo Island; illustrative of the adaptation of Irish settlement patterns to Newfoundland, and a rare surviving example of mid-18th century landscape components
Photo: Photograph by HFNL/Robert Mellin, 2005.